Unfortunately, today the lumpen elements have the political and financial power to coerce government agencies, to threaten individual legislators and to frighten liberal critics by labeling them as anti national.
Virgin Islands plumber accused of coercing 3 girls A plumber in the U.S. Virgin Islands is being accused of using the Internet to coerce three female minors to engage in sexual activity. U.S. Attorney Ronald W. Sharpe says Tony Browne of St. Thomas has ...
June 12, 2013 - Associated Press via Yahoo! News
India's Poorest Women Coerced Into Sterilization Financial incentives have driven the rate of female sterilization up in India, where a family can receive up to $10 for every female member who chooses to be sterilized. According to the Human Rights Watch, some federal health workers are still threatened by salary cuts or dismissal, though formal targets set by the federal government were abandoned in 1996. Health workers will often coerce ...
June 12, 2013 - Opposing Views
Manouchehr Mottaki in Brooks Bulletin This bill places an inappropriate burden on women seeking to terminate a pregnancy: Personal views should not result in laws that unwisely expand the role of government and coerce people to obtain medical tests or procedures that are not medically... Charlie Crist http://www.google.com/url?q=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Crist&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNEAQcomwprwqFUQ6OwKQM7xSnQdRg The Faster Times http://www.google.com/url?q=http://thefastertimes.com/humanrights/2010/06/12/anti-abortion-laws-whittle-away-at-womens-right-to-choice/&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNHsSF7bEnHxFpMlnUeZykipQqhrxQ Jun 13, 2010
19165 26867 coerce The world must know - and it does - that even the harshest political and economic sanctions or other threats are far too weak to coerce the Iranian nation to retreat from their legal and legitimate demands," Mottaki told the Security Council...
Mike Leach in New York Times I think he used his position at ESPN to try to coerce me into allowing Adam to play more,said Leach, who said he expected to coach again. "But the thing about it is as the coach, I watch every inch of film. I'm deferring to the judgment of...