circulatory :

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surkyuh luh taw ree

  • a  of or relating to circulation
  • a  relating to circulatory system or to circulation of the blood
News & Articles


  • Joe Girardi in International Herald Tribune
    Our whole economy you could think of as the human body and the credit markets as the circulatory system. Right now. . . the credit markets are frozen so the circulatory system is not working as it should. If the circulatory system doesn't work, it... Mitch McConnell Oct 1, 2008 17920 25168 circulatory He's had some circulatory issues, and he is doing better. He'll be evaluated every couple weeks, every month," Girardi said.
  • Brad Mills in Los Angeles Dodgers
    I think with the circulatory problems he had in the past, I think they want to make sure that things are checked out a little bit more,said Mills. "I think they might be a little more cautious with him because of those circulatory problems...

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