chin :

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  • n  the protruding part of the lower jaw
  • n  Kamarupan languages spoken in western Burma and Bangladesh and easternmost India
  • v  raise oneself while hanging from one's hands until one's chin is level with the support bar

  • He then injects a filler fluid called hyaluronic acid into her nose and chin and pinches them into shape.
  • When a woman with a great beak of a nose (macrorrhinia) and no more chin than a rabbit (microgenia), pays a plastic surgeon to beautify her, the obvious procedure would be for .
  • Gradually, as the silicone shifted, her whole face began to sag and her chin withered.
News & Articles


  • Craig Parry in Forbes
    Par is irrelevant on a day like this,said Craig Parry, who hit the first shot of the tournament and struggled to a 77. "You can only laugh and take it on the chin. The golf course is going to win."
  • Padraig Harrington in Washington Post
    Having won the tournament, he can take the moral high round and say what he wants,Harrington said of Woods. "Having lost the tournament, I'm going to sit back and just . . . take it on the chin and say it was my mistake."

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