brutalise :

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  • v  treat brutally
  • v  make brutal, unfeeling, or inhuman
  • v  become brutal or insensitive and unfeeling

  • She does not brutalise her victims (beasts could .

  • David Hicks in The Age
    Myanmar women have suffered the most at the hands of the military junta. They bring women to barracks, rape and brutalise them and then dump them back in their villages. The world should enforce sanctions on them and try them for human rights... René Lévesque Sify May 27, 2008 13174 17913 brutalise Hicks said he watched members of the Internal Reaction Force (IRF) - a military squad used to subdue problem detainees - enter a man's cell and brutalise him with the aid of an attack dog".
  • Robert Mugabe in Gulf Times
    Let those loud hypocrites who speak in defence of slums that brutalise our people tell us what they have done for our people in the area of housing ever since,said Mugabe. "Let those long-distance philanthropists who want to romanticise...

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