bimetallic :

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  • a  pertaining to a monetary system based on two metals
  • s  formed of two different metals or alloys; especially in sheets bonded together

  • In a bimetallic thermocouple, two pieces of unlike metals are joined.
  • In it, human hairs squeezed of oil and moisture were taking in the atmosphere's moisture; a vacuum box was taking its pressure; a bimetallic strip contracting at two different .
  • The stylus is moved from side to side by a bimetallic thermometer which keeps track of the temperature.
News & Articles

  • At K 2013: Bimetallic Barrel Alloy Provides Greater Corrosion Resistance than Iron-Based Alloy ...
    40% Greater Chromium Content Is Key to Enhanced Corrosion Resistance of Nordson XALOY’s X220™ Inlay for Extrusion and Injection Components NEW CASTLE, PA, U.S.A., -- A new bimetallic barrel alloy developed by Nordson XALOY exhibits greater corrosion resistance than comparable general-purpose iron-based inlays currently standard in Europe, providing a longer working life, increased ...
    Sept. 24, 2013 - ThomasNet

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