bicolored :

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  • s  having two colors
    a bicolored postage stamp

  • For his initial study, Myrberg chose the bicolored damselfish, which is abundant and active in the clear waters off North Bimini and emits a large variety of sounds.
News & Articles

  • Taming of the shrew: Bicolored shrew a health risk for horses
    The bicolored shrew is a protected species in Central Europe, but these furry insect-eaters have a dark secret. Researchers have discovered that bicolored shrews carry the Borna virus. Infection with this virus causes fatal encephalitis in horses. The mechanisms of transmission had until now been unclear, but we now know more about one route - from bicolored shrews to hosts.
    April 11, 2014 - Science Daily
  • The taming of the shrew
    ( University of Veterinary Medicine -- Vienna ) The bicolored shrew is a protected species in Central Europe, but these furry insect-eaters have a dark secret. Researchers from the Vetmeduni Vienna have discovered that bicolored shrews carry the Borna virus. Infection with this virus causes fatal encephalitis in horses. The mechanisms of transmission had until now been unclear, but we now know ...
    April 11, 2014 - EurekAlert!

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