barbiturate :

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bor bi chuh ruht

  • n  organic compound having powerful soporific effect; overdose can be fatal

  • And as Wilson underwent a barbiturate-and-belladonna cure called "purge and puke," which was state-of-the-art alcoholism treatment at the time, his brain spun with phrases from .
  • A simpler, barbiturate-only procedure was rejected on the grounds that the public would not support a killing method for humans modeled after that used for animals, according to .
  • TV Engineer Alan Adair, 30, unhappily divorced and tired of life, parked his car alongside Los Angeles' Ballona Creek one evening and washed down a handful of barbiturate sleeping .
News & Articles

  • Ohio says may seek execution drugs from compounding pharmacies
    By Kim Palmer CLEVELAND, OHIO (Reuters) - Ohio prison officials said Friday they are changing current policies on executions that could include using drugs from compounding pharmacies, an industry that has come under increased scrutiny from regulators. The shift in the state's policy, which takes effect on October 10, comes just three weeks after the state used its last dose of the barbiturate ...
    Oct. 4, 2013 - Reuters via Yahoo! News

  • Julie Walters in
    There's a scene at the end where she has to say goodbye to her children and she takes the barbiturate [to kill herself],says Walters. "Once I'd read that in the script for the first time, I couldn't read it again. I thought, 'I'll just...
  • Aquilino Pimentel Jr in ABS CBN News
    First, is the injection of sodium pentothal which is a barbiturate designed to induce the convict to sleep; second is to paralyze his body; third is to inject him with potassium chloride which stops the heart,Pimentel said.

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