balkanize :

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bawl kuh nahyz

  • v  divide a territory into small, hostile states

  • In fact, "colorblind" students are exactly what we want, and it's not going to be made any easier by folks who want to balkanize schools into mini-ethnic groups.
  • But the biggest fear is that vouchers could balkanize cities and states.
News & Articles

  • Could Snowden End Up Breaking the World Wide Web?
    Edward Snowden's revelations could make the World Wide Web a much smaller place. Efforts by 15 countries and the European Union to restrict the flow of data internationally could Balkanize chunks of the Internet, stifle innovation and make online communications less secure, according to new research.
    March 12, 2014 - Bloomberg via Yahoo! Finance

  • Gordon Campbell in
    We also wanted to unearth any conspiracy to balkanize Pakistan and let the world know how a democratic leader heroically laid down her life. We have carried out our own investigations and the findings will be made available to the UN... Asif Ali Zardari AFP Jul 16, 2009 7738 11033 balkanize But Campbell added that the provinces have to work together and not against each other That's why it is so important for us to think of ourselves as a single country now - we can't afford to balkanize Canada anymore."
  • John Edwards in Roanoke Times
    Edwards said he opposed regional plans "because they tend to Balkanize the state."

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