You could make a lot of money selling them to your youngest fans, but then your older fans--the 12- and 13-year-olds--would think you're babyish and move on to Hanson.
Sometimes it's hard to imagine, especially when one sees how crazy Diana Ross looked even when she was young, and hears how cooingly babyish her voice could be.
The joke was that Senator Dial was displaying cry-babyish tendencies over his defeat, was, in the language of the street, "bellyaching" around the Senate and vexing Democrats .
The Grapevine (Aug. 31) Q: We will soon be moving my son from his nursery to his “big boy” room. I want it to be appropriate for a 2-year-old, but in a way that will last for a few years. Any ideas of how to make it not too babyish, while still being cute? He loves trucks and trains.
Aug. 31, 2013 - The Wichita Eagle
Christopher Hitchens in Irish Times Religion comes from the period of human prehistory where no one had the smallest idea what was going on,wrote Hitchens, who argues that it is "a babyish attempt to meet our inescapable demand for knowledge - as well as for comfort,...
Seb Sanders in He was still quite babyish going into the English Guineas. The piece of work he did before the Irish Guineas was just out of this world,Sanders told At The Races on Monday. "He's working to that still now, so we're very hopeful."
James Moore in The Wire Report In what some observers viewed as a veiled attack on Geist, Moore said there are critics of the bill who "pretend to be experts," are cited in the media "all the time," and who are "babyish in their approach to copyright legislation."