baby-sit :

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  • v  take watchful responsibility for
    I baby-sit the neighbor's plants when she is out of town
  • v  work or act as a baby-sitter; I have too much homework to do"
    I cannot baby-sit tonight

  • For the less well- off, it may come down to paying a teenager to baby-sit in the afternoons or slipping cash to a neighbor who watches the kids.
  • Guess who gets to baby-sit Reba? FREE SAMPLE "I should have gone in to work.
  • The result: a cottage industry of organized after-school pursuits lessons and tutors and clubs and teams to baby-sit and enrich.
News & Articles

  • Free film nights offer family entertainment no further than area parks
    For parents with young children, the two best words might be free entertainment. Or maybe they’re “We’ll baby-sit.” Still, a night out with the kids that doesn’t cost a dime — what’s not to like? Communities in central Ohio help fill the evenings for prudent parents with free movie series in parks and other public areas.
    June 20, 2013 - The Columbus Dispatch

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