a (digital communication) pertaining to a transmission technique that does not require a common clock between the communicating devices; timing signals are derived from special characters in the data stream itself
a not synchronous; not occurring or existing at the same time or having the same period or phase
In the other, everyone heard different music, making the cups an asynchronous jumble.
There will be more "asynchronous class activity," says Bob Ma tsuoko, associate director at the New Laboratory for Teaching and Learning in New York City.
Use asynchronous communication and software instead to exchange information, ideas and solutions.
LG to Use Snapdragon 800 Chip In Next Optimus G Phone Qualcomm and LG announced that the successor to the LG Optimus G will use the Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor. The 800 is the most advanced processor currently available from Qualcomm. According to Qualcomm, the 800 delivers up to 75% better performance than the S4 processor thanks in part to improved asynchronous multiprocessing, which raises and lowers the performance of each core in ...
June 20, 2013 - Phone Scoop
Morrissey in Market Wire (press release) Through its asynchronous design, Opus provides three times more performance per watt than current DSP architectures on the market today,said Doug Morrissey, Octasic CTO. "While the DSP core construction is clock-less, to the programmer it...
Andrew Herbert in سويس إنÙÙˆ Many new techniques are going to have to be brought forward that are loosely coupled, asynchronous, concurrent, composable, decentralized and resilient. A great deal more constructive thinking is going to have to be done around how we build these... Craig Mundie http://www.google.com/url?q=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Craig_Mundie&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNFlE1rBBtutCtZ4vMBterTJLMBLZg ExtremeNano http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.extremenano.com/article/Microsoft%2BResearch%2BAims%2Bto%2BMake%2BComputing%2BUbiquitous/207585_1.aspx&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNEMqKDbiyV-YaT8vei7TODJWui0Ew May 15, 2007
6252 9089 asynchronous Embedded systems are at the forefront of many challenges in computing. They are often highly concurrent, asynchronous and required to work with high reliability. Therefore we require programming tools that enable the rapid production of verifiable...