So far, most of the effort to reinstate the death penalty has concentrated on eliminating "arbitrariness" by making death mandatory for certain crimes.
Despite their common struggle against the arbitrariness of the Soviet system, Sakharov and fellow Nobel laureate and dissident Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn stood far apart on fundamental .
Iran's President-Elect Says All Must Bow To Voters' Wishes Iran's president-elect Hassan Rohani says the majority of Iranians voted for "moderation, reason, collective wisdom, moving along expert paths and refraining from extremism and arbitrariness", and the future administration will work within this framework.
June 29, 2013 - Payvand Iran News
John McCain in Washington Post It "needlessly and, in my view, improperly injects into what should be a full and open competition an element of arbitrariness and capriciousness," McCain said.
Barry Scheck in FOXNews There is tremendous arbitrariness to the death penalty. ...... the race of the victims has a lot to do with who winds up getting executed,said Barry Scheck, co-founder of the New York-based Innocence Project, a legal clinic that seeks to...
John Paul Stevens in Atlanta Journal Constitution Rather than perform a thorough proportionality review to mitigate the heightened risks of arbitrariness and discrimination in this case, the Georgia Supreme Court carried out an utterly perfunctory review,Stevens said.