alligator :

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a luh gay ter

  • n  leather made from alligator's hide
  • n  either of two amphibious reptiles related to crocodiles but with shorter broader snouts
  • v  crack and acquire the appearance of alligator hide, as from weathering or improper application; of paint and varnishes

  • Next week: How to buy an alligator.
  • Stalking the Wild Alligator .
  • One rainy afternoon last week, President Eisenhower took over a chore for his wife and came face to face with an angry alligator.
News & Articles

  • Alligator Found in "Doomsday Prepper's" House
    A man arrested Wednesday with bomb-making material in his car had drugs and an alligator in his home, a federal agent testified Friday.
    June 22, 2013 - NBC Dallas Fort Worth
  • Alligator crashes picnic, snaps up some burgers
    KRISTEN BUTLER, An alligator crashed a picnic in Florida and snapped up burgers as Rodney Cammauf snapped photos.
    June 21, 2013 - UPI
  • Alligator with mouth zip-tied found on Volusia County beach
    For the second time in two weeks, authorities have found a small alligator on a Volusia County beach. The young reptile was spotted Tuesday morning, according to Volusia County Beach Patrol. Volusia County Beach Patrol said the gator already had its mouth shut with the black ziptie wrapped around its jaws. The tie was then cut off and a black lace that gator trapper use that doesn't harm the ...
    June 19, 2013 - Local 6 Orlando

  • Jim Hood in BusinessWeek
    It's been like a death roll with an alligator for the last two months in these negotiations,Hood said Tuesday.
  • David Dellucci in USA Today
    Right before I came here on Feb. 1,Dellucci said dejectedly, "I was fishing on the side of my lake, and I heard a little boy screaming. I ran over and an alligator had him by the leg. I jumped on the gator, poked him in the eyes, freed the...
  • Bill Murray in Movieline (blog)
    ...Film Festival this week, Murray said that the Ghostbusters sequel was "a myth : It's like the white alligator in the sewer, you know? Who's seen it, really?" "It's just really the movie studio. They love the franchise, they'd just...

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