activation :

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ak tuh vay shuhn

  • n  stimulation of activity in an organism or chemical
  • n  the activity of causing to have energy and be active
  • n  making active and effective (as a bomb)

  • This would free up professional soldiers, and it would stop the unprecedented activation of reservists.
  • They are the product of neutron activation analysis, which requires that specimens under study be irradiated with neutrons in a nuclear reactor.
  • Starting with an activation fee and ending with a cancellation fee if you decide to switch carriers or want to cancel your service, consumers are squeezed for dozens of add-on .
News & Articles

  • Apple Reveals Activation Lock Feature for iOS 7
    Apple revealed a new iPhone feature called 'Activation Lock' at WWDC on Monday. The law firms are happy with Apple Incorporated for once. The activation lock featured on its iOS7 doesn’t allow...        
    June 11, 2013 - I4U
  • 'Activation lock' to tighten iOS security
    If your iPhone gets stolen and Find My Phone has been deactivated, Activation Lock will prevent it from being re-used by a different Apple account. (Credit: James Martin/CNET) Apple may not be able to do anything to stop a mugger from stealing your iPhone, but changes in iOS 7 will prevent the thief from trying to sell the phone as new. More from WWDC Meet iTunes Radio, Apple's long-awaited ...
    June 10, 2013 - CNET
  • iOS 7 'Activation Lock' feature sets tone for NY cellphone theft talks
    Apple's new "activation lock" feature has not escaped notice by the attorneys general of New York City and San Francisco. The pair, scheduled to meet later this week in New York City with Apple, Samsung, Google, and Microsoft to discuss rampant smartphone theft in the two cities have issued a statement, taking a guardedly optimistic stance toward the new feature....        
    June 10, 2013 - MacNN

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