scamper :

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skam per

  • n  rushing about hastily in an undignified way
  • v  to move about or proceed hurriedly

  • All scamper off in search of the titular 39 clues, aiding and double-crossing and feuding with each other all the while.
  • The wink and scamper of dice .
  • But it is Hutson, the scamper end, who has turned in the most brilliant perform ance in pro football.
News & Articles

  • Jack Hoffman TD run up for ESPY award
    The best moment of spring football in the Big Ten this year (any year?) could be named the best moment in sports for the past year. Jack Hoffman's 69-yard touchdown run in Nebraska's spring game made the 7-year-old brain cancer patient a national celebrity as his incredible story spread through the media. Hoffman's scoring scamper is among the nominees for "Best Moment" at this year's ESPYS ...
    June 27, 2013 - ESPN Blogs
  • Start teaching economic skills early — and often
    So, as we scamper through the following summer months, gaily making our way from free time to “accounted for” time, let us not forget that any age is not too… Click to Continue »
    June 22, 2013 - The Cambrian
  • Does This Innovator Hold the Key to Getting Kids Excited About Science?
    The kids in the auditorium scamper from the front row, holding their hands over their ears, as Darryl Lee Baynes takes a blowtorch to a balloon.
    June 21, 2013 - via Yahoo! News

  • Andre Agassi in
    It feels amazing. These moments don't happen very often any more and I'm taking it in,said Agassi, who has 60 career titles. "It's great to let my game fly and to be eager to scamper after shots you're not even sure you're going to get."
  • Ben Broussard in (registration)
    I saw Richie say something to the umpire,said Broussard, "and I thought: Don't get tossed, I'm not ready. All the sudden, he got tossed." "I had to scamper down, find my glove and my hat, and just run out there. It was great! I got...
  • Kevin Mawae in USA Today
    They're two different personalities and we know that Kerry is not going to break out a 47-yard scamper in the middle of the field,center Kevin Mawae said. "But you never know : what the old man has in him. The thing about Kerry is guys...

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