reexamination :

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ree ig za muh nay shuhn

  • n  (law) questioning of a witness by the party that called the witness after that witness has been subject to cross-examination
  • n  a subsequent examination of a patient for the purpose of monitoring earlier treatment

  • Unlike Greenspan, Gramm strikes me as largely incapable of reexamination of his beliefs, or self-examination.
  • It's a reexamination of how we've been living.
  • On reexamination, the Dies Committee flunked him again.
News & Articles

  • USPTO Reverses Course, Confirms Apple’s ‘Overscroll Bounce’ Patent
    The U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) reversed a "final" ruling from April that invalidated key claims in Apple's "overscroll bounce" patent. The USPTO informed Apple that it would be issuing a reexamination certificate for the patent that confirms four key claims, including claim 19 that a jury found Samsung infringed in 2012.
    June 14, 2013 - The Mac Observer
  • Apple scores another win over Samsung with validated rubber-band patent
    The United States Patent and Trademark Office plans to issue a reexamination certificate confirming four of Apple’s claims regarding its rubber-band patent, according to FOSS Patents. The patent is one of Apple’s most famous technologies and relates to the bouncing effect in iOS when a user reaches the end of a page while scrolling. One of the claims validated by the USPTO, claim 19, was ...
    June 13, 2013 - BGR News via Yahoo! News
  • Labrador calls for reexamination of Patriot Act
    WASHINGTON -- In the wake of revelations about the controversial National Security Agency surveillance programs, Idaho Republican Congressman Raul Labrador took to the floor of the House of Representatives Wednesday to call for a reexamination of the USA Patriot Act. On the floor, Labrador laid out just a few examples of what he calls, "Violations of our civil liberties," including the NSA ...
    June 12, 2013 - KTVB Boise

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