recombine :

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ree kuhm bahyn

  • v  undergo genetic recombination
    The DNA can recombine
  • v  cause genetic recombination
    should scientists recombine DNA?
  • v  to combine or put together again

  • A crowd of half a million Czechoslovaks in Wenceslas Square would powder into electrons, stream into space at the speed of light, bounce off a satellite and shoot down to recombine .
  • Normally the single atoms recombine when they come into contact with nitric oxide as a catalyst.
  • The billions of blasted fragments would magically recombine, rescinding the destruction they had done.

  • Gord Perks in 940 News
    It is a law of physics that matter is neither created nor destroyed,said Perks. "We have to remember that incinerators and gasifiers don't destroy the elements that go in, all they do is recombine them in new ways, some of which are more...
  • Nick Holonyak Jr in Science Daily (press release)
    In a bipolar device, there are two kinds of injected carriers: negatively charged electrons and positively charged holes,Holonyak said. "Some of these carriers will recombine rapidly, supported by a base current that is essential for the...
  • AnnaLee Saxenian in New York Times
    That allows people to recombine technical ideas much more quickly here than anywhere else,Professor Saxenian added.

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