glob :

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g lob

  • n  a compact mass

  • Several municipalities have prohibited swimming when the glob-to-human ratio gets too high.
  • The Iranian President's words had no practical, only symbolic, global import.
  • Gibson wants one of the extras, covered in white lime dust, to visibly cough up a glob of fake blood.
News & Articles


  • Claes Oldenburg in Philadelphia Inquirer
    It's not exactly a dab,said Oldenburg. "It's more like a glob."
  • Manuel Zelaya in Xinhua
    Ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya said from the Brazilian embassy in Tegucigalpa, where he is staying, that "I am happy with the Honduran people, today is a day of party, I wish they (de facto government) returns to Radio Glob and Canal 36 the...
  • Ike Skelton in Nextgov
    They want to look at it as one great big glob, and the truth of the matter is, it's a lot of separate capabilities,said Rep. Ike Skelton, the Missouri Democrat who chairs the House Armed Services Committee. "I don't know why they lump it...

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