generic drug :

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generic drug

  • n  when the patent protection for a brand-name drug expires generic versions of the drug can be offered for sale if the FDA agrees
News & Articles

  • Generic Drugs as Effective as Amgen's Enbrel for Arthritis
    Generic Drugs as Effective as Amgen's Enbrel for Arthritis
    June 11, 2013 - Nasdaq
  • Using Generic Drugs Could Save Billions
    Medicare patients who are diabetic are more than twice as likely to use brand-name drugs for the condition than are patients in a VA hospital. And a switch from brand-name to generic drugs could save billions in health-care costs, a study shows.
    June 11, 2013 - ThirdAge
  • SOHM Announces First Quarter 2013 Financial Results
    SOHM, Inc. , a generic pharmaceutical manufacturer that produces and markets generic drugs covering all major treatment categories, today announced financial results for the Company's fiscal first quarter ...
    June 11, 2013 - Marketwired via Yahoo! Finance

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