defecate :

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  • v  have a bowel movement

  • They defecate in public, contaminating food and drinking water, and the disease toll due to unsanitized human waste is staggering.
  • Mangy dogs defecate on the platform surface where fish are sorted from the sea snakes and jellyfish.
  • If a man were to defecate on a church altar, for example, even a confirmed atheist would feel some sense of shock.
News & Articles


  • Sabin Willett in The Age
    All meals are consumed alone, inside the cell,wrote Mr Willett. "The prisoners are constantly watched by MPs as they sleep, as they eat, as they defecate. They have great difficulty sleeping and are frequently awakened by banging or shouts...
  • Shane Jacobson in AFP
    Men can go and defecate anywhere,Jacobson told AFP on Thursday. "Women have to hold on till 2:00 to 5:00 am so they can do it in the darkness and go in groups to make sure they are safe and nobody comes. That's not dignity. That's not an...
  • Don Nelson in San Jose Mercury News
    I certainly wasn't discouraged with his play,Nelson said of that performance. "He didn't (defecate on) the bed like some other guys."

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