darwinian :

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dorwi nee uhn

  • n  an advocate of Darwinism
  • a  of or relating to Charles Darwin's theory of organic evolution
News & Articles

  • Petition Filed on White House Website to Ban the Teaching of Creation in U.S. Schools
    WASHINGTON – A petition urging the Obama administration to ban the teaching of creation and intelligent design in U.S. schools was recently filed on the White House website. Written by an individual simply identified as “A.J.” from Vienna, Virginia, the 116-word petition claims that even though Darwinian evolution is “treated as scientific fact by 99.9% of [...]
    June 22, 2013 - Christian News Network

  • Russell Brand in Examiner.com
    Brand added, "A lot of people in their journey to rehab - overdose. And then, perhaps, we would be spared their awful music. It's Darwinian. It's the law of natural selection."
  • Ken Ham in Forbes
    Stalin, Hitler and Mao were responsible for the deaths of tens of millions - and it can be shown they did this because of the influence of Darwinian naturalism......,Ham writes.
  • Eugenie Scott in Minneapolis Star Tribune (subscription)
    Darwinian evolution is based on natural selection, which means that any population can adapt to its environment,Scott said. "The ironic thing for the creationists is that Hitler grounded Aryan superiority as a God-given quality."

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