abscond :

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ab skond

  • v  run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along
    the accountant absconded with the cash from the safe

  • He will abscond with the loot unless Ford gives him his daughter's hand and a general managership.
  • By permitting the authorities to think the thief got away with much more than he really did, the clerk imagines, he will be able to abscond with more than half the boodle.
  • A third option in the simulation is for the attackers to abscond with the nuclear material into the heavily populated San Francisco Bay area.

  • Gareth Peirce in Boston Herald
    Bail comes with conditions; breach of those conditions leads to arrest. However, Mr. Othman was arrested ...... not because he had broken any condition, but because it was speculated he might abscond in the future,his lawyer, Gareth Pierce,...
  • Iain Gray in Times Online
    Mr Gray said: "When I pressed the First Minister about the escape of Brian 'The Hawk' Martin, he withheld this information about the Brown abscond. This in itself is completely inexcusable. Mr MacAskill's failure to deal with this debacle means he...
  • Alex Salmond in Evening Telegraph
    Today Mr Salmond said, "Any abscond, even from the open estate, is a matter of concern," but defended the open prison system.

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