tran skrahyb
- v write out from speech, notes, etc.
- v rewrite in a different script
- v rewrite or arrange a piece of music for an instrument or medium other than that originally intended
- v make a phonetic transcription of
The anthropologist transcribed the sentences of the native informant - v convert the genetic information in (a strand of DNA) into a strand of RNA, especially messenger RNA
- Or they can call a toll-free number and leave a message for Sunnygram to transcribe and e-mail.
- He employed arrangers to transcribe the pulsing melodies and often complex harmonies that poured out of his head and through his clumsy fingers.
- When other networks feared to transcribe big nighttime shows, ABC risked it; last week ABC's transcribed Bing Crosby show got one of the top Hooperatings: 25.