Meanwhile, many Gazans swelter in the dark, fuming with anger at Abbas.
The city's hip-hop scene is alive with the kind of resourcefulness needed in a place where nightly electrical interruptions and the unrelenting tropical swelter can turn music .
In Oklahoma's Fort Sill thousands of raw recruits began to swelter to it.
Ralph Waldo Emerson in Sun.Star Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote: "Our fear of death is like our fear that summer will be short, but when we have had our swing of pleasure, our fill of fruit, and our swelter of heat, we say we have had our day."
Jon Gruden in Pewter Report (registration) This is just a warm-up in terms of the sun,said Gruden. "It hasn't even begun to swelter yet. We talked about that a lot. Our players need to educate themselves in terms of how to play at a high level in this kind of weather. If they don't...
Ken Macha in San Francisco Chronicle I have no problems with domes. They serve a purpose,Macha said. "Aesthetically, the place in Tampa is not the greatest in the world. But if you wanted to see a big-league game that starts on time and not swelter in the heat or worry about...