sodden :

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so duhn

  • s  wet through and through; thoroughly wet
    the speaker's sodden collar

  • Lashed by monsoon rains, sodden Bangkok slowly goes under Two people are shot when a group of desperate families raids a flood-control embankment.
  • For the first time in the battle, Giap brought up Russian rocket launchers ("Stalin Organs") and struck at Dienbienphu's sodden battlementseight rockets per burst.
  • On the day after her 16th birthday, Alina Sofronia awakes amid a clutter of blankets, old shoes, sodden cardboard and empty bottles in a gloomy concrete cubicle beneath the park in .
News & Articles

  • 2013 U.S. Open: Rory McIlroy plans aggressive attack on soggy Merion Golf Club
    Rory McIlroy does some of his best work in the rain -- or at least, after drenchers have rendered formerly hard, quick golf courses moist and pliable. After all, the 24-year-old from Northern Ireland whipped a sodden Congressional Country Club into championship shape during his record-shattering romp to the 2011 U.S. Open title. So, while others in the field this week at muggy Merion for the ...
    June 12, 2013 - SB Nation

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