sensible :

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sen suh buhl

  • a  showing reason or sound judgment
    a sensible choice
    a sensible person
  • a  able to feel or perceive
    even amoeba are sensible creatures
    the more sensible parts of the skin
  • s  readily perceived by the senses
    the sensible universe
    a sensible odor
  • s  aware intuitively or intellectually of something sensed
    made sensible of his mistakes
    I am sensible that the mention of such a circumstance may appear trifling"- Henry Hallam
    sensible that a good deal more is still to be done"- Edmund Burke

  • But Keynes was also right that there would be more sensible ways to spend it.
  • He wasn't an elegant rationalist like David Ogilvy, whose ads famously advised the rich that a Rolls-Royce was the sensible car to buy.
  • Like more sensible people, she doesn't regard the Irish problem as fully solvable for simple reasons of geography.
News & Articles

  • Rand Paul Panders To The Locavores, Misses By 1,500 Miles
    In his May 31 speech at the Reagan Library, Sen. Rand Paul said a lot of sensible things about markets, energy (e.g. virtues of fracking), and personal freedom. In what may be a bit of West Coast outreach, Sen. Paul also tried to build up his eco-street cred. Calling media characterizations of conservatives as “not caring about the environment” untrue, he told the crowd he is an outdoors guy who ...
    June 11, 2013 - Forbes
  • Two things make Patriots the perfect landing spot for Tebow; mail
    I always figured, once the inevitability of the demise of Tim Tebow with the Jets played out, there were three teams that made sense for him: New England, New Orleans and Green Bay. And New England, which announced his signing today, was the most sensible, by far.
    June 11, 2013 - Sports Illustrated
  • Peter King: Two things make Patriots the perfect landing spot for Tebow; mail
    I always figured, once the inevitability of the demise of Tim Tebow with the Jets played out, there were three teams that made sense for him: New England, New Orleans and Green Bay. And New England, which announced his signing today, was the most sensible, by far.
    June 11, 2013 - Sports Illustrated

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