invader :

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in vay der

  • n  someone who enters by force in order to conquer

  • A new invader would advance with motor transport instead of bateaux, with tanks and aircraft instead of Indian allies.
  • Denouncing the erstwhile invader may provide an ideological buttress for China's own leadership.
  • Humankind's only logical response to this vegetable invader: cook 'im! (But don't eat 'im.
News & Articles

  • Bruce Township homeowner confronts break-in suspect
    A homeowner who confronted a home invader during an early-morning break-in at a house in northern Macomb County is recovering from minor injuries, according to Michigan State Police.
    July 4, 2013 - The Armada Times
  • New Chinese Heavy Bomber Aimed At American Targets
    Beijin like to mess with US rather than her neighboors.Because still has nothing to loose. Due to US considered invader in the region so Beijin relativly has support from neighboor, so can control the conflict; quit or escalate.
    July 2, 2013 - Strategy Page
  • Convicted home invader gets slight sentencing break
    Convicted home invader Curtis Keller might have been happier with a 30-year reduction in his sentence if his total hadn’t started at 240 years.
    July 1, 2013 - Memphis Commercial Appeal

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