Showtime! Spider puts on amazing mating dance The animal dances and lifts up its tail-flap, which, once unfurled, resembles an abstract Indian blanket of intense color. The tiny creature hops about, lifts up its legs alternately like an air traffic controller, gesturing this way and that. Meet the peacock spider...
Aug. 23, 2013 - NBC NEWS
Showtime! Peacock spider puts on amazing mating dance The animal dances and lifts up its tail-flap, which, once unfurled, resembles an abstract Indian blanket of intense color. The tiny creature hops about, lifts up its legs alternately like an air traffic controller, gesturing this way and that.
Aug. 23, 2013 - NBC NEWS
The Amazing Mating Dance of the Peacock Spider The animal dances and lifts up its tail-flap, which, once unfurled, resembles an abstract Indian blanket of intense color. The tiny creature hops about, lifts up its legs alternately like an air traffic controller, gesturing this way and that. Its large, furry mouthparts almost make it look like it's smiling, or at least mildly amused at this outrageous act.
Aug. 22, 2013 - via Yahoo! News