Behind its grinning mask it is an acute parody of "family values" and of moral incomprehension.
But the awkwardness of that mutual incomprehension was nothing compared to the cacophony Younis faced when she brought her musicians back to Jenin, the glow of the beach and .
Lynch, who does not speak German, looked on in incomprehension.
Printed letters, October 25, 2013 Columnist Jim Spehar could barely contain his glee over another employer pulling up stakes, while displaying his incomprehension of how business and the economy works.
Oct. 24, 2013 - The Daily Sentinel
Tom Stoppard in Times Online The Oscar-winning writer Sir Tom Stoppard said: "With his earliest work he stood alone in British theatre up against the bewilderment and incomprehension of critics, the audience and writers, too."
Pope Benedict XVI in There is this belief that all those other worlds are only being temporarily prevented by wicked governments or by heavy crises or by their own barbarity or incomprehension from taking the way of Western pluralistic democracy and from adopting the... Alexander Solzhenitsyn Santa Cruz Sentinel Aug 4, 2008
50681 68346 incomprehension Thus addressing himself to the government of Beijing, Benedict XVI writes of the burdensome situation of misunderstandings and incomprehension" which serves the interests of neither side, quotes the Council on the political community and the...