NSA case illustrates tech hiring risks WASHINGTON -- Among the more curious revelations to emerge from the recent NSA leak saga is how a 29-year-old high school dropout landed a $122,000 job in a sensitive government program. Edward Snowden, the contractor who spilled top secret information about a sensitive government electronic data collection program, said he did so out of idealism. His actions have triggered a national debate ...
June 13, 2013 - The Arizona Republic
Photos: Big U.S. intelligence leaks Some did it for the money, some did it for idealism, others didn't do it at all. Former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden revealed himself Monday as the leaker of details of U.S. government surveillance programs to The Guardian.
June 12, 2013 - CNN
Barack Obama in New York Times While our problems may be new, what is required to overcome them is not,Mr. Obama said before the train ride began. "What is required is the same perseverance and idealism that our founders displayed." "What is required is a new...
David Miliband in TeleText Mr Miliband said the party's conference should be a demonstration that it had the "idealism and drive" needed to solve Britain's problems.
Muhammad Abdul Bari in ic Wales Dr Bari said: "Marriage should not be forced on people but parents can be a catalyst...... Young people are emotional, they want idealism. Older people have gone through all sorts of things and become a bit more experienced."