Royal baby birth doctor knighted, Beckham snubbed The gynaecologist who helped deliver the first child of Prince William and his wife Kate was given a knighthood and veteran actress Angela Lansbury was made a dame in Britain's New Year Honours List released Tuesday. For the first time since the list was founded in 1917 there were more women (51 percent) named than men -- and two star sportsmen, Andy Murray and David Beckham, were notably absent ...
Dec. 31, 2013 - AFP via Yahoo! News
Evan Harris in Independent Dr Evan Harris MP, a GP and member of the Commons Science and Technology Committee, said: "The decision to treat should be based on medical advice rather than the state effectively sterilising certain people who were deemed by a gynaecologist not to...
Cheong Choong Kong in Malaysia Star Dr Cheong, who has a doctorate in mathematics, says: "If he had said a businessman or a manager, a gynaecologist or a doctor, I would probably have declined. But a taxi driver's life is so removed from what my life has been for the past two...