genetic mutation :

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genetic mutation

  • n  (genetics) any event that changes genetic structure; any alteration in the inherited nucleic acid sequence of the genotype of an organism
News & Articles

  • Hearing loss clue uncovered
    ( University of Melbourne ) Researchers from the Department of Otolaryngology at the University of Melbourne and the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Monash University have discovered how hearing loss in humans is caused by a certain genetic mutation.
    June 12, 2013 - EurekAlert!
  • Brain circuits link obsessive-compulsive behavior and obesity
    ( University of Iowa Health Care ) A University of Iowa-led study suggests that the brain circuits that control obsessive-compulsive behavior are intertwined with circuits that control food intake and body weight. The team bred mice with a genetic mutation known to cause obesity, and suspected to also be involved in compulsive behavior, with a genetic mouse model of compulsive grooming. The ...
    June 10, 2013 - EurekAlert!
  • Genetic mutation inherited from father's side linked to early puberty
    Researchers have identified that a genetic mutation leads to a type of premature puberty, known as central precocious puberty.
    June 6, 2013 - Science Daily

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