Gable Museum Golf features greats like Johnny Orr The annual Dan Gable Museum fundraiser featured many former greats from the sports of wrestling, baseball, football and basketball including former Cyclone coaching legend Johnny Orr.
June 11, 2013 - KWWL Iowa
Hints from Heloise: It cost a bundle to replace deposit-box key Dear Heloise I decided to clean out my safety-deposit box, and when I went to get the key, I couldn't find it. It's been a few years since I had been to my safety-deposit box. It cost me 150 to have the box rekeyed. The sad part is, there really wasn't anything important in the box -- Gable in New York City
June 11, 2013 - Erie Times-News
How I Love Sagamore Hill The final 2013 lecture in the John A. Gable series was somewhat different from past lectures. The May 16 lecture showcased Xiomaro’s (pronounced SEE-oh-MAH-ro) wonderful and inspiring “How I love Sagamore Hill” photo collection. Commissioned by Sagamore Hill National Historic Site, and displayed in collaboration with the Oyster Bay Historical Society at the Koenig Center, “How I love Sagamore ...
June 8, 2013 - Oyster Bay Enterprise-Pilot
Pat Riley in USA Today My dad was dashing,Riley said. "I saw pictures of my father, he and mom when they got married in the '30s and how he dressed. One thing he always did was he had these wonderful Clark Gable-type suits on and bright red ties and starched...
Farley Granger in Toronto Star Clark Gable arrived late, and it was an entrance to remember,Granger writes. "He stopped for a moment at the top of the stairs that led down into the garden. He was alone, tanned, and wearing a white suit. He radiated charisma. He really...