flunk :

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f luhngk

  • n  failure to reach a minimum required performance
    he got two flunks on his report
  • v  fail to get a passing grade

  • Those who flunk color tests and go to doctors get various kinds of handling: some doctors give no treatment at all ("color blindness is not curable"); others try everything but .
  • Another promised the University of Santa Clara to employ even those engineering students who flunk their finals.
  • Answer high-tech Japan or industrial Germany, and you flunk.
News & Articles

  • LETTER: Debt all that holds students back
    Eric Bradner’s Sunday (June 9) column titled “Hoosier schools flunk lesson on student debt” hit many nails on their proverbial heads.
    June 12, 2013 - Evansville Courier & Press
  • Preparation made Lowcountry Splash comfortable harbor swim
    Well, I must have survived the Lowcountry Splash harbor swim. Otherwise I wouldn’t be writing this. And after all that worry! Worry because I didn’t really think I could do it, worry because I didn’t really believe I was much of a swimmer, and even worry over childhood flashbacks of being the only person to flunk...
    June 6, 2013 - The Post and Courier

  • Mia Farrow in USA Today
    Personally, I flunk them,Farrow said Monday. "The definition of failure is 'the omission of expected or required action.' They flunk. They chose Beijing to be their host. How can China host the Olympic Games at home while underwriting...
  • David Cameron in Reuters UK
    He's the first prime minister in history to flunk an election because he thought he was going to win it,Cameron said sarcastically, causing uproarious laughter. "Does he realise what a phoney he now looks?"
  • Jimbo Fisher in SI.com
    Today was not an effort day,Fisher said. "How are you going to get better in a meeting and know what to if you don't even come to the meeting prepared? If you're in class and don't take a notepad and pencil, you're going to flunk. If you...

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