A mid-June Pew poll found a 12-point swing since February in favor of expanded exploration and extraction, and a 60%-34% gap in favor of prioritizing developing energy sources .
The iron ore extraction facility operated by Brazilian firm Companhia Vale Rio Doce is one of the most efficient and spectacular mining complexes in the world.
Menstrual extraction requires little or no dilation in most cases.
MO BIO Laboratories, Inc. launches the first kit for protein extraction from soil CARLSBAD, Calif., June 19, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- MO BIO Laboratories, Inc., the leader in soil, plant, stool and other challenging microbial nucleic acid purification, announces the launch of the NoviPure™ Soil Protein Extraction Kit, for extraction of pure protein from all soil...
June 19, 2013 - PR Newswire
Ohio’s big experiment on safe shale-gas extraction Rhe real question in America today may not be the whether of shale extraction but rather the how, writes Neal Peirce. That’s why all eyes are on Ohio’s experiment with new fracking regulations.
June 16, 2013 - Seattle Times
Barack Obama in The Hill (blog) Obama says that the Gulf of Mexico oil spill shows that "we have to acknowledge that there are inherent risks to drilling four miles beneath the surface of the Earth - risks that are bound to increase the harder oil extraction becomes."
Alan Greenspan in Bloomberg For 40 years a couple of oil companies worked on the tar sands extraction process, not its environmental impacts. It was Alberta's massive expansion of tar sands leasing over the last few years, ignoring serious unanswered environmental and public... Gary Stewart http://www.google.com/url?q=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Stewart_(politician)&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNH6Q50oBOeALbXZs3WyZtm_a9WHlQ Seattle Post Intelligencer http://www.google.com/url?q=http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/1101ap_canada_dirty_oil.html&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNGcTZzLMs8MBxFM3T-22YLOU30bEg Aug 23, 2008
35664 45136 extraction Home equity extraction will ease and with it some of the strength in personal consumption expenditures," Greenspan said in the text of a speech at the close of a two-day Kansas City Fed symposium in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.