ephedra :

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  • n  jointed and nearly leafless desert shrub having reduced scalelike leaves and reddish fleshy seeds

  • The ephedra industry says it is being unfairly targeted.
  • Baseball may ban ephedra after a pitcher's death.
  • Call them the ephedra wars.

  • Mark McClellan in WSOCtv.com
    Any manufacturer or retailer should stop marketing ephedra as soon as possible,McClellan said.
  • David Ortiz in USA Today
    I think they need to tell people what the suspension is for,Boston slugger David Ortiz said, "because people see a name on the screen and think he must be doing the same things as Canseco when he really took some ephedra instead of andro....
  • Orrin Hatch in San Diego Union Tribune
    No one - not the FDA, the supplement industry, nor the public - has been satisfied by how ephedra has been regulated,said Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, who helped write the 1994 law that also deregulated the supplement industry.

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