On the other side, Latino, Asian and Catholic groups have been lobbying Democrats furiously, arguing that families provide a social safety net, a built-in acculturation system and .
The American process is what sociologists call "acculturation.
The movement succeeded in defending native painting from European acculturation, but the price paid was ossification.
Audio-Digest Foundation Announces the Release of Psychology Volume 02, Issue 16: Developmental and Cultural ... Eric F. Wagner, PhD, Professor, Robert Stempel College of Public Health and Social Work, and Director, Community-based Intervention Research Group, Florida International University, Miami, presented on Underage Drinking, Marijuana, Teens and Parents, Latino Culture, and Acculturation. (PRWeb December 19, 2013) Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/12/prweb11412391.htm
Dec. 19, 2013 - PRWeb