timberland :

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tim ber land

  • n  land that is covered with trees and shrubs

  • Ford controlled rubber plantations in Brazil, a fleet of ships, a railroad, 16 coal mines, and thousands of acres of timberland and iron-ore mines in Michigan and Minnesota.
  • This ransom is a big one--and likely to be the benchmark for future environmental payoffs involving private timberland.
  • But rescuing the owl and the timeless forest may mean barring the logging industry from many tracts of virgin timberland, and that would deliver a jarring economic blow to scores .
News & Articles

  • Weyerhaeuser to pay $2.65 billion for Oregon, Washington timberlands
    The timberland deal, which is expected to close in July, would be the third-largest forestry acquisition in North American history, Bloomberg News reported.
    June 17, 2013 - The Oregonian
  • Telefonica Shares Climb
    Telefónica shares climb after a report of an AT&T takeover bid. | Weyerhaeuser is buying 645,000 acres of timberland. | The last remaining private equity unit of JPMorgan Chase is being spun out. | A planned sale of synthetic collateralized-debt obligations falls apart.
    June 17, 2013 - New York Times
  • Weyerhaeuser Buys Timberlands and Weighs Selling Its Home-Building Unit
    Weyerhaeuser says it plans to buy 645,000 acres of timberland for about $2.65 billion, adding that it is weighing a sale or spinoff of its home-building unit.
    June 16, 2013 - New York Times

  • Stone Gossard in WELT ONLINE
    It is not common to find an agreement between an individual and a corporation with so many altruistic synergies. I am truly humbled and excited to begin our journey together. Timberland is not only a brand I have worn as long as I can remember, but... Wyclef Jean http://www.google.com/url?q=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wyclef_Jean&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNFMT0kiTOMKwUAheD2OkAs0hyC0gA Reuters http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.reuters.com/article/pressRelease/idUS37766%2B02-Oct-2009%2BPRN20091002&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNHd29ajPHaRjP87uiU60WCUJgyS3g Oct 1, 2009 100196 133072 timberland I am excited about the opportunity to not only share my new music with all the hardworking 'Dig It' volunteers, but to see first-hand what Timberland and American Forests can achieve in each of these cities," said Stone Gossard. "We are all...
  • Dick Molpus in Reuters
    Dick Molpus, President of Molpus Woodlands Group, stated, "These timberland parcels are our first acquisitions outside the US South. We try to fulfill our client's objectives in their investment portfolios and this represents their desire to...

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