terrine :

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  • n  a pate or fancy meatloaf baked in an earthenware casserole

  • One of the restaurants, Eleven Madison Park, features a duck-liver terrine with pineapple and pearl onions on a rum-raisin brioche.
  • Psilakis also kicked in a stunning kokoretsi (sort of a Greek haggis) plus sausages and a terrine--all terrific dishes made primarily from offal.
  • Though his meal would depend on whatever Alain Ducasse cooks for him, it could possibly include a soup, a foie gras terrine (duck or goose liver cooked in earthenware), lobster .

  • Amanda Hesser in New York Times
    Amanda Hesser, writing in The New York Times Magazine in 2002, said that "a well-prepared turducken is a marvelous treat, a free-form poultry terrine layered with flavorful stuffing and moistened with duck fat."
  • Daniel Boulud in New York Times
    We call it a ladies' terrine,Boulud says with a chuckle. "It's more urban, elegant, delicate."

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