syracuse :

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si ruh kyoohz

  • n  a city in central New York
  • n  a city in southeastern Sicily that was founded by Corinthians in the 8th century BC
  • n  the Roman siege of Syracuse (214-212 BC) was eventually won by the Romans who sacked the city (killing Archimedes)
  • n  the Athenian siege of Syracuse (415-413 BC) was eventually won by Syracuse
News & Articles


  • Mike Brey in
    When you think about the history and tradition of the league and see Syracuse and Connecticut and the league's two Hall of Fame coaches going at it on the first day, it's pretty staggering,Notre Dame coach Mike Brey said.
  • Roy Williams in ESPN
    We got our tails beat by a very good basketball team,UNC coach Roy Williams said. "I would hate to play that non-Division I team [Le Moyne] on a regular basis if they are better than Syracuse." "What have I been saying? I told you...
  • Jim Riggleman in The Canadian Press
    We needed a starter,Riggleman said. "He pitched a couple of good games (at Syracuse). He earned the right to come back up."

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