stepladder :

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stepla der

  • n  a folding portable ladder hinged at the top

  • He told police the closet door was mostly blocked with a stepladder or a bed and that he managed to push the door open enough to escape and leave the house.
  • Think of the job market as a big stepladder with layoffs forcing many workers to slip down a rung, leaving few vacancies at the bottom for new job seekers.
  • Educated mothers not only have a stepladder out of poverty, but they also choose to have fewer babies.

  • Diane Keaton in Los Angeles Times
    Let's face it, getting to play a woman to love at 57 is like reaching for the stars with a stepladder,said Keaton.
  • Dick LeBeau in International Herald Tribune
    This guy is special,LeBeau said. "We are working on a short stepladder for Ike to carry around with him so he can get higher in the air."
  • Tommie Smith in Palm Beach Post
    That doesn't mean that we have made it, that we have overcome,Smith said. "Overcoming is ongoing. Having an African-American in office now only magnifies the need to work harder for a stronger America. We're looking at a stepladder and not...

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