poorness :

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  • n  the state of having little or no money and few or no material possessions
  • n  less than adequate
    the relative poorness of New England farmland
  • n  the quality of being meager
  • n  the quality of being poorly made or maintained
    she was unrecognizable because of the poorness of the photography

  • He explains, however, that with all the sickness and poorness of the people around him, 'it is difficult not to give to people in great want.
  • Robert, why is it that some people question their poorness (unhappy just to work for a wage, they want more, they want to change) and other people keep living poor?.
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  • Stern Advice - Till death (not retirement) do us part
    Statisticians have noted a rise in "gray divorces" lately. Spouses who stayed together through decades of sickness, health, richness, poorness, child rearing and parental health troubles are ...
    Oct. 9, 2013 - Reuters via Yahoo! Finance

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