photocopy :

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foh toh ko pee

  • n  a photographic copy of written or printed or graphic work
  • v  reproduce by xerography

  • To request permission to photocopy a PTI article for classroom use, course packs, business or general use click here.
  • The Vatican diplomat said the original copies of all correspondence to the Pope and a photocopy of the responses are duly sent to the Holy See archives.
  • If interested in pursuing the right to photocopy photographs, please contact the photographer or their photo agency directly.

  • Luca Montezemolo in Reuters South Africa
    If it had not been for that photocopy man we would not have known anything about this story,Montezemolo told reporters on Wednesday at the carmaker's end-of-year celebration at their Maranello headquarters. "That's why we have invited him...
  • Ian Rankin in Scotsman
    Then, as now, books were expensive, meaning the library was a Godsend,Rankin says. "When I wrote my first couple of novels, the library was also my first stop - so I could photocopy them!"
  • Charles Sobhraj in Bangkok Post
    They (the prosecutors) came to court with the photocopy of the registration cards and it is clear that they had doctored it,Sobhraj said in the interview last weekend.

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