irreverence :

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i re vuh ruhns

  • n  an irreverent mental attitude
  • n  a disrespectful act

  • His brother feared for him, sent him back to his native village; but he had not long been there before he committed an act of irreverence toward a village god and was .
  • Both of us were fundamentally American actors, with the qualities and virtues that characterize American actors: irreverence, playing on the other's flaws for fun, one-upmanship .
  • Bezark suggests that the creative team for the London games develop the strain of irreverence and gentle self-mockery hinted at in the handover show.
News & Articles

  • Yahoo! CEO promises not to screw up Tumblr
    marissamayr : I’m delighted to announce that we’ve reached an agreement to acquire Tumblr! We promise not to screw it up. Tumblr is incredibly special and has a great thing going. We will operate Tumblr independently. David Karp will remain CEO. The product roadmap, their team, their wit and irreverence will all remain the same as will their mission to empower creators to make their best work ...
    June 20, 2013 -

  • Dav Pilkey in New York Times
    I think fans of Captain Underpants will be very happy with this new book,Mr. Pilkey said in a written statement. "It has all the action, laffs and ridiculousness that children love, plus all the unapologetic irreverence and questionable...
  • FRAZIER MOORE in Forbes
    He always brings some needed irreverence and smarts to pretty much anything he does,Moore said. "The Oscars are an often very pretentious, self-important institution, and somebody like Jon Stewart is very useful to help deflate a little of...
  • David Dinkins in FOXNews
    Bill Tatum was a respected journalist and businessman who never feared to speak truth to power, and expressed himself forcefully, with honesty and irreverence,said former Mayor David Dinkins, the city's first black mayor.

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