inbreeding :

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inbree ding

  • n  the act of mating closely related individuals

  • This inbreeding has developed great sprinting speed.
  • Since French literary inbreeding is both chronic and severe, it was inevitable that sooner or later someone would devote a whole book to Camus' throwaway idea.
  • The community has paid a price for its separateness: because the Amish forbid marriage outside the Old Order, centuries of inbreeding have afflicted them with certain genetic .
News & Articles

  • Snowflake the albino gorilla was inbred, study finds
    A famous albino gorilla that lived for 40 years at the Barcelona Zoo got its white coloring by way of inbreeding, new research shows. Snowflake was a male Western lowland gorilla. He was born in the wild and captured in 1966 by villagers in Equatorial Guinea. As the only known white gorilla in the world, Snowflake was a zoo celebrity until his death of skin cancer in 2003. A few studies had ...
    June 15, 2013 - NBC NEWS
  • How does inbreeding avoidance evolve in plants?
    Inbreeding is generally deleterious, even in flowering plants. Since inbreeding raises the risk that bad copies of a gene will be expressed, inbred progeny suffer from reduced viability. A case study of Leavenworthia suggests that loss of complex traits may be reversed.
    June 10, 2013 - Science Daily

  • Brian Wilshire in The Australian
    Many of them have parents who are first cousins ...... the result of this is inbreeding,Mr Wilshire said. "The result of which is uneducationable (sic) people ...... and (a) very low IQ."
  • Huang Zhihong in
    If we can't find any wild South China tigers, they will certainly disappear because of the inbreeding,said Huang Zhihong, a Chinese zoologist.
  • Gunnar Myrdal in New York Times
    In his classic study of segregation, "An American Dilemma," Gunnar Myrdal wrote that "the whole system of segregation and discrimination is designed to prevent eventual inbreeding of the races."

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