impale :

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im payl

  • v  pierce with a sharp stake or point
    impale a shrimp on a skewer
  • v  kill by piercing with a spear or sharp pole
    the enemies were impaled and left to die

  • We're not going to let the banking system collapse; nor is anyone going to impale their economy on a fixed exchange rate; nor are we going to raise taxes in the middle of the .
  • When it passed the Massachusetts-Connecticut border, it made a 30-degree turn, and then an even sharper turn and swooped down on Manhattan, between the buildings, to impale the .
  • Ralph Nader put the smackdown on GM in his book Unsafe at Any Speed, also noting that the Corvair's single-piece steering column could impale the driver in a front collision.
News & Articles

  • ‘Carlos Danger’ isn’t only one caught in ’net
    Weiner is far from the only politician to impale himself on the sword of online sexual exploits (though he might be the only one to come up with a pseudonym as memorable as “Carlos Danger”). From parliamentary porn viewing to a Communist sex party, there’s plenty of evidence that the Internet is a dangerous place for randy politicos all over the world.
    July 26, 2013 - The Rock Hill Herald

  • Roy Greenslade in
    It's lucky subs no longer use spikes,Greenslade said, "or I rather fancy this news would lead one or two to impale themselves."
  • Tom Coburn in New York Times
    ) Whatever one's definition of this most vexed of "f" words, in a time when the chief of staff for United States Senator Tom Coburn tells a reporter soon after the Terri Schiavo crisis, "I don't want to impeach judges; I want to impale them," to...

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