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  • Part 8: Tim Holland showed signs of breaking
    Holland house: The Holland home on Douglas Street in Leroy Township, near Williamston, where Ricky Holland was killed in July 2005. The Hollands told police Ricky left through the bedroom window left of the front door.
    June 11, 2013 - DeWitt-Bath Review

  • Kevin Bond in Sportinglife.com
    Cherries boss Bond said: "Everyone apart from Danny Hollands is in fine fettle so Saturday can't come quick enough for us."
  • Mike Bateson in Sportinglife.com
    Bateson said: "We are waiting to hear from Andy Marriott's agent and have made offers to Darren Garner, Tony Bedeau, Jo Kuffour and Danny Hollands. We are waiting to hear back from them."

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