highborn :

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  • s  belonging to the peerage

  • Two of his three sons were deceived by their highborn wives, who paid for their sins with shaven skulls and imprisonment, while their lovers were broken on the wheel, flayed alive .
  • Later the Lord's reaction was more nearly what she wanted: when some highborn ladies snubbed her at a dinner party, Clontarf married her.
  • Some questioned whether highborn Anil and Mukesh could fill their father's managerial shoes, even though Mukesh graduated from Stanford's business school and Anil from Wharton .
News & Articles

  • Lauren Collins: A campaign to overturn male primogeniture.
    Ways to annoy a British aristocrat: fail to leave the moor after a shooting accident, high-five the butler, be French. But those offenses pale in comparison with the recent treachery of Lady Liza Campbell, a member of the Hares, a group of highborn women who are campaigning to overturn . . . (Subscription required.)
    Jan. 6, 2014 - The New Yorker

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