thermostatic :

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  • a  of or relating to a thermostat
    thermostatic control

  • As I say, while my companions were explaining all this to me, they were also imparting instructions, about the thermostatic controls of my body armor, as well as the firing .
  • Ideally, we'd like to develop a 'thermostatic-type' control that would set the volume to the changing volume of passengers.
  • In each fireproof engine housing were 16 thermostatic fire warnings and an extinguishing system to put carbon dioxide just where it was needed.
News & Articles

  • Nate Silver says the White House is not a metronome
    Many political scientists subscribe to a "thermostatic hypothesis" of the two-party system suggesting that if one political party gets too hot, it is bound to cool off and vice versa. In presidential politics, I have occasionally heard of the theory of the "eight-year itch," which suggests that it is rare and difficult for either party to win three presidential elections in a row. If true, that ...
    July 23, 2013 - MinnPost

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