human genome project :

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human genome project

  • n  an international study of the entire human genetic material
News & Articles

  • Genome project spurs boom for life science
    The $14.5 billion U.S. investment in the Human Genome Project, completed a decade ago, has paid off more than 60-fold in new jobs, drugs and a rapidly expanding genetics industry, an analysis has found.
    June 17, 2013 - Fort Wayne Journal Gazette
  • Dr. Robert Cook-Deegan: Court's genome ruling
    The Supreme Court ruled that genes extracted from cells cannot be patented. A researcher works on the Human Genome Project. The Supreme Court on Thursday issued a ruling that bans the patenting of naturally occurring genes but allows edited or artificially created DNA to be patented.
    June 14, 2013 - Duke University
  • Battelle: Human Genome Project’s economic impact has reached nearly $1B in US (infographic)
    In an attempt to calculate the ROI for an estimated $14.5 billion the U.S. government pumped into Human Genome Project-related research, Battelle has come up with an astonishing number: $1 trillion. Over the course of the last 24 years, projects related to sequencing the human genome have yielded an economic impact of $965 billion, including [...]
    June 12, 2013 - MedCity News

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